Friday, March 30, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away…


Little Karen wants to come out and play…..

I grew up in Seattle and when it started to rain last Sunday, I kinda’ liked it….I was feeling nostalgic.  Yeah, right…enough is enough!  It’s been raining ‘cats and dogs’ nearly all week.  And the forecast is not looking any better.

But my grass is greening up…..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree, rain go away! I took a friend to the airport at 5:30 this morning and could hardly see the freeway. Okay, I need to think positive, what lovely mud pies I can make. That's about as positive as I can get with this wet stuff, ugh! Sending dry hugs your way!

  3. Quit sending all that rain this way!! And you can keep the wind too.

  4. I totally agree! What a cute photo in today's post! When are we going shopping again? My colors have changed. I have a 'new' trailer. We have to go shopping.

  5. I LOVE that photo! It would make a darling card!
    I hope your rain goes away until another day!

  6. uugghh! it's raining chicks & dogs at your place and lazy catz at mine !lol!

  7. This photo is adorable! I'm sure Dash is looking forward to getting out as soon as the rain stops. I'd share some of our sunshine with you, but it's going to rain here today too.

  8. It's been sunny here and I've mowed twice now because we got some rain too but not like you. Down here there's too much sun sometimes....I like a variety of weather and come summer we're fried! LOL! This is my time to get the work done outside because then it gets too hot to be out there and I close the shades and turn on the AC and's like your Winter.
    Another darling picture by the way!


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)