Monday, October 26, 2015

Not Much Time Left….

wenatchee 015


should I try for one more sleep out?


  1. Oh, Yes, Karen! At least ONE more sleep out!!!! xo Diana

  2. Yes, the weather going to turn cold in a week.

  3. YES YES YES! this is the most beautiful time of the year to be out in the countryside with all the gorgeous colors... (as long as you have heat in your little Daisy)!!!! If I had one, I would go for it!

  4. Well, then off I shall go to White Bird, ID.....leaving Thursday. Last camp out of the year....awwwhhhh.

  5. I w ould if I were you..Could be a long winter...

  6. Yes, you should. I have a 63 Shasta Airflyte and just came back from 4 days out, and want to do one more. Its still too beautiful not to head out!


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)