Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Smart Tips Tuesday

It’s that time of year again….trying to shed a few pounds! Maybe you just want to get rid of a few that you chunked on over the holidays or a bit more through the year. Here are a easy ways to lose without REALLY TRYING! Like that idea, don’t you? Me too!

1. Use the half-plate rule (fill half your plate with salad or veggies).


2. Don’t eat white foods at dinner.

3. Slow down. It takes 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain you are full.

4. Don’t eat in front of the TV (or the computer, for that matter)..you will have no memory of eating.1952_TV_dinner

5. Include a fruit and a veggie with your lunch and dinner.

6. Store all your snacks in small single-serving snack bags (you’ll eat 20% less). (I love this one, I even take a cute lunch tote along in the car for my single portion snacks). I also take a small snack size lunch item and protein bars, in case my errands take me into the lunch hour. This way I keep my blood sugar level and don't overeat when I get home. lunch 005_thumb[1]

7. According to Dr. Oz, dropping just 100 calories a day will keep off those extra pounds!


  1. Thanks for the tips! I will try harder this year to shed some pounds! Did I say that out loud? LOL! Happy 2011 to you!


  2. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I sure did and have the extra pounds to show for it. I'm tempted to go put on sweatpants...they feel so good.
    Thanks for the tips, I can really use them. 100 calories per day doesn't seem like much.
    Happy New Year to you.

  3. Hey K,
    luv the blog header pic of your house, looks beautiful...oh & p.s., it's suppose to be -1 degree tomorrow morning! Are you ready for it? I know I am not! AACCKK!


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)