Friday, October 21, 2011

Looking for My Wings

I’ve spent a great deal of time, this year, looking for my wings…. these wings….




The wings on a vintage Shasta trailer are a very hot item.  They came in various sizes and some years there were none.  My trailer had them…the caulk filled holes are still there.  Mine were smaller and were mounted with three screws, probably about 27” by 7”.  I have looked into getting them made but they would cost quite a lot….not to say that the ones I have seen on Ebay, weren’t!  Of course, I prefer the originals for my 1969 Shasta 1400, Driving Ms. Daisy, so I will keep looking…maybe, I will get lucky.

I am also looking for another set of wings….


I have been struggling with letting go of some inner trauma and this particular quote from Mary Oliver (My favorite new poetess), really inspires me to carry on….there is a sunny, beautiful, spunky me just waiting to fly!


  1. I don't know which set of wings would be easier to get...??????

  2. I see glimmers of that beautiful spunky one every now and then. You'll get her back and fly again before long, I know.

  3. Dear Karen, You know how they say fear holds us back? Well, like I said yesterday-- you ARE there-- but maybe are a bit afraid of realizing it! If I am wrong though, I love the phrase-- " FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT!!!!!" Luv ya lots! Your "fakin' it" friend Lori! :)

  4. You will really be stylin when you get those shasta wings!
    I think we are all a little afraid to let go and fly, lest we fall a few times.At least you are trying and not living a mediocre life!

  5. Dear friend, you may not have noticed... but you DO have Wings! I see them on you everytime we get together....
    Remember... the past is the is a new are surronded by friends who love & adohr you dearly.
    Now go out and play, dance & sing because you do have wings....

    as for the Shasta,she'll get her's too!

  6. Oh I hope you do find your lovey Angel wings for your Daisy girl!!!
    I will keep my fingers crossed for you! that quote. Very nice.
    Have a great weekend!

  7. I love that quote by Mary Oliver. I think we all have something that holds us back, keeping us from the person we should be. Head up, you'll get your wings yet!

  8. I'm pretty sure you have already found one set of we just have to find a pair for that Shasta!..xoxoxo

  9. I could never/ever imagine you without wings.
    You always impress me as one very brave, creative, unique and loving gal.

    I like the phrase that Lori quoted, "fake it til you make it'.....

    I love the poem you posted!
    Hugs to you sweet friend,

  10. Girl, you totally have wings. For someone who can take their vintage up windy roads one has never traveled, has BIG wings. I'll keep a ear out for your Shasta.

  11. Oh Karen, you have wings. You are an amazing woman. It was great meeting you and Dash last weekend. Now about the trailer wings; I just know you'll find them. I'll be on the lookout too. Oh, and remember, mine are on an alarm! :P


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)