Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Musings

house 007

I started collecting Cacti last summer, to add a Southwest theme to my vintage Shasta trailer décor.  I love to decorate the exterior area of my campsite, when I am out ‘glamping’ with the Sisters on the Fly.  It’s so fun to see all the fun decorations around all the vintage trailers.

 house 009 

I have a galvanized metal tool caddy with a wood branch handle and it seemed the perfect spot for some cacti and succulents.

 house 014


           house 018


house 003

I am so surprised by how much they have grown this winter…lots of new little babies.

    house 011


  1. Love that tool caddy. I'm sure your campsite site will be spectacular. I'm still working on the interior. I love gardening but gosh house plants and I have a love hate relationship. Here's to the beginning of a great week!

  2. Nice pictures. I'm so anxious to dig in the dirt and plant something. Nice to see something green and healthy!

  3. Very pretty. I have an aloe plant and would like to get some more succulents. Love them in a tool caddy!!

  4. Glamping? did you say Glamping? when? where?,,,,please let it be soon! I so need a 'Glamping Fix'... lol!
    hugz sista!

  5. These are so pretty and must be so much fun to decorate your outdoor oasis with. Love the handle on that caddy.

  6. Are they actually blooming? Are those real flowers? How did you do that? I have never gotten a cactus to bloom! You're amazing!

  7. Great use for the adorable tool caddy. Love love love old galvanized metal containers!!


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)