Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Some Oldies But Goodies….

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I found some old slides that I had never viewed, I just got them developed.  Now, if you can believe it, that is not Mary Poppins!  It’s me at age 24, in Hawaii back in ‘70.  We got caught in a rain storm, right in the middle of the summer. 

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This one was taken in 1965 at Cannon Beach, Oregon.  I was barely 19.  I am amazed by that waist, I know I only weighted 127, at the time but as close as I am to that weight now….I know I will never see a waist like that, again.  BTW, I made that dress when I was 15.

You tell me an age, I can give you the weight!  Ha!



  1. You look like a model (and your hair was so dark). Beautiful then as now!

  2. How adorable you are... you and your tiny waist ! : D
    Ciao for now...

  3. I remember that lovely girl! I am so happy to have found her again! Luv, Lori :)

  4. You are a beautiful woman today, and a beautiful young woman in those photos!!! I display my wedding dress on a pretty wicker dress form in my sewing room. I had such a tiny little waist too, that when I see that dress, it is hard for me to think of fitting into it. I weighed about 120 pounds....age 19. Oh the glory days!!!!

  5. These are such great photos. You were so pretty....and you still are!!
    Love the vintage dress.

  6. Awesome photos. It is always fun to look back. Have a great day.

  7. Oh, to be young again.
    I agree, you look like a model!
    Your blessed to weigh the same now as you did then, don't worry about the waist size!

  8. WOW, what beautiful photos and I'm sure great memories too!

  9. You look like Sandra Bullock, I think!!!

  10. Karen, I'd recognize that smile anywhere!....

  11. Wow, beautiful in times past and also today! That's so exciting to find old pictures..... I love the style of clothes at that time. I had a dress very similar.


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)