Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Musings

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It was just the perfect late Spring day.  I was hanging the clothes out on the line, when I felt a peace and happiness, that I haven’t felt in such a very long, long time.


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Here I was, surrounded by the simple things in life. 


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The things that give peace and joy. 


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Things that make me smile…..don’t look at the weeds, I say.


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And I don’t…


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Forget the weeds of life, concentrate on the blooms…the simple things. 


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They are all around you! 


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So I took them inside….and held them close to my heart.  It was a beautiful late Spring day…..



  1. I know that feeling Kare..Hang on to it as long as you can...Lovely pictures..

  2. It is the small simple things in life that truly bring us joy and peace. Good blog today!

  3. Well said and lovely photos! The weeds around my place are green, and holding back the mud, so we live in peace with one another for now, lol.


  4. Ahhhhhh . . . you've come a long way baby!!

  5. My favorite kind of day!!!! Glad you are enjoying them. We are in the midst of what seems a monsoon this week.....really bad for making hay, but at least I don't spend any time watering gardens!! Have a great week,

  6. I love this post. It is the true meaning of happiness. The simplest things that make us smile. Thanks for sharing.


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)