Saturday, January 7, 2012

Icy Fingers


ice 019

It was 55 degrees the other day….that was hard to believe this morning. 


       ice 022 (3)

I ventured out to Fish Lake…..just needing a outdoor camera fix.  (The coffee came very soon after.  Burrrr)


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             ice 016

Don’t these look like tadpoles?


ice 025 (2)

A stunning lily pad under the ice.


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       ice 022

This looks like a prehistoric frozen creature…..


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  ice 035

I stepped into a strange and magical world….for just a short time.  (I was only there a few minutes.)  I felt like a visitor in a foreign land…..all just a few miles from home…..


  1. Nice icy pictures. How brave of you to venture out!

  2. Burrrrrrrrrr, but I love the photos.

  3. What pretty pictures, Nature is a real wonder.
    YES 1946, A VERY GOOD YEAR!!
    Nancy Jo

  4. I love the pictures. So beautiful.

  5. An inspirational morning walk captured in your photos. Thanks for sharing.

  6. So very pretty...I need to get out to take more speeds by doesn't it??? Chat soon, Laurel

  7. Your beautiful pictures are making me cold just looking at them. I'll bet that cup of coffee was good after your short adventure.

  8. These are awesome pics.
    Love the lily pads under the ice.
    too bad those could not somehow be gathered for collages. A bit big I guess even if we could.

    barbara jean


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)