Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Picasso

I am about to do the unthinkable…yes, I am going to brag!  This is the Valentine I got from my almost 3 grandson.   

               my valentine 001  Of course, Mommy cut it out and did the writing…I wouldn’t lie to you there!

                 my valentine 002 


         my valentine 003 

What astounded me was his art work and color sense. I believe he is taking after his Grandma K.

Ok, I won’t do this again…..for at least another year!  Hope you all had a fun day yesterday, with your loved ones.


  1. Do it as often as you like! We all understand!!!! Love it!!!

  2. Aw....too cute! I have a grandson named Grayson also. My Mother's family name was Gray. He was born last July. Yes...I think you're right! Definite artistic genes showing through!

  3. Your post made me smile....that is sooo cute.

  4. AWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEE! toooo cute!


  5. Ahhhhhh, love the artist's work! That color scheme could hold a special place in Miss Daisy. Also us Grandma's love brag pictures so don't wait a whole year to post another.

  6. Brag all you want, I love seeing these awesome creations that little ones do. He is only 3 but truly has a sense of color. This needs to be framed.

  7. Beautiful color combinations...looks like he has his grandmother's artistic talent.
    Frame it and hang it.....

  8. Brag away!! Did you notice they are the same colors as in your trailer?..

  9. Oh Yeah ... those are your colors for sure. All your artistic talent is already rubbing off on Grayson (lucky kid!)

  10. I'm giggling because stuck to my cabinet door is my Valentine from my 4 year old grand son. It's heart shape, and has legs and arms sticking out all over.


  11. I agree do it as much as you like I love kid artwork! Lucky you that may be frame worthy

  12. and well you should be. sweet!!!

    barbara jean


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)