Thursday, September 25, 2008


Where has all the time gone? I started this crosstitch in the '80's and I'm sure I didn't finished it for 8 years! Life was going on. Ha! I happened to remember all of this the other day as I had gone through my sewing stuff and found a bunch of leaflets on crosstitch that I sold on the Internet to a lovely gal in Rosebud, Mt. (What a wonderful name for a town! So romantic.) She was all excited about checking out all the books from the '70's-80's and 90's that I was 'passing' on. I so enjoyed them and let myself wander through them again as I was packing them. It was so fun to look through them and see the pretty pictures I spent hours planning, some finished and some never started but always treasured. I found the pattern for the above picture in the stack and felt a need to take a pic of it where it hangs in my bath. I guess I just wanted to remind myself that all those years have really pasted. But the picture says it all, "Time isn't measured by the years you live, but by the deeds you do and the joy you give."

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"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)