Monday, February 17, 2014

An Eclectic Post

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Look what I threw together for dinner the other night.  Fresh (and I mean fresh) trout with Trader Joe’s Organic Foursome.  My walking partner’s hubby loves to fish but neither one of them likes fish much….score for me!

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See that river?  It’s about 15 feet wide in places and it’s only suppose to be a small culvert.  All our snow melted in one short two hour period and from a dry creek bed to this….It was half way up the lawn….over the sprinkler system.  Luckily it didn’t flood any worse. 


  1. Lucky you to get fresh fish. Love trout! Happy to have the snow gone and hope it stays away for the rest of the winter. Have a good week

  2. The fish looks divine though I don't like fish either. But, I do like to fish. Am so glad that the water didn't rise any further. Hope that's all the running water there is and it won't come up any higher. Have a great week.

  3. As bad as I hate the snow we have I am dreading the melt-off almost as much. I would give you all my fish, can't eat it- xo Diana

  4. yum fresh fish it looks so good.

  5. Where does all that water flow too?

    1. Probably off to many of the small lakes in this area...into the little canyons, etc. Maybe even the ocean someday...heehee.

  6. Still waiting for the big melt...Could be serious..The fish looks great to me...Yum


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)