Friday, June 17, 2011

Fabulous Floral Fridays

It seems we are having a perpetual Spring, just day after day of rain, wind and clouds.  But walking around my yard I was amazed at the variety of beautiful flowers I actually had blooming.  It gives me hope that sunny days are soon to follow.

                                                          misc 2 038

Pink Peony

misc 2 044

Citronella Geranium

misc 2 040

                                                                     Dark Pink Peony

                    misc 2 041


misc 2 058

                                        Garlic Chives

       misc 2 068

                                                               Red Twig Dogwood

         misc 2 046

                                                          Bleeding Heart

                 misc 2 053

                                                             In my Secret Garden.


  1. seeing all these bright spots
    in our gardens and pots
    will be our only sun
    when its all said and done!

    Made up that little poem just for you

  2. Lovely....oh why can't the flowers bloom year round!!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. So flower pics are so beautiful! Thank you :) Just what I need to see on a gloomy, rainy Monday :)


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)