Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Quite the Summer…


My life is like my secret garden right now, very overgrown and out of control!  We barely get summer and when it finally comes the end of June, things in the yard have turned into a jungle!  Weeds included.  I can’t even see the back area of my flower beds in the secret garden, as the hollyhocks are at least 10 feet high.  Needless to say, I don’t get back there much. 

022  Don’t get me wrong, I love green and big!  But along with all of this, came lots of other work to be done.  I am in the midst of a full on kitchen remodel, new flooring and carpets, etc, in a rental.  Luckily I hired out a lot of it, but of course, I am taking on the painting and smaller jobs. 


I walk every morning and work out with a trainer, twice a week and an hour of yoga (I am determined to get off the flab!) but this takes a big bite out of my days….


I sent my vintage trailer, Driving Ms. Daisy, off to the painter yesterday.  She is to get an exterior paint job.  He has to do it outside…..it rained and stormed all night….same today.  Will my girl ever be done? 


Ok, you can see I am feeling a bit overwhelmed right now, yes, I am skipping the walk today (it’s raining)….I know it is the one thing I should keep.  I just need to get that kitchen painted, before the floor guy gets in there this morning!  It’s considered exercise, right?


  1. Deep Breaths. It'll all get done in due time. Remember ... you're retired and reeeeelax.

  2. Yes, painting is sure exercise, and much more so than me sitting here catching up on blogs!


  3. Here we are alike again! Over commit ourselves to projects! I agree with Deep Breaths and Relax. Oh, to learn that lesson. So until then happy painting!

  4. hey girlie, don't forget to come up for air! hugz
    see ya @ GC soon....

  5. Can't wait to see Miss Daisy all spiffed up!
    Boy do I know that overwhelmed feeling too!
    Sometimes we just need to take some deep breaths and regroup.
    A day at home, tending to the normal type things, usually gets me all grounded and refreshed!


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)