Saturday, July 7, 2012

Things aren’t always as they seem….

FLOWERS 014My girls, Eleanor Roosevelt, in front and Amelia Earhart, doing a ‘walk about’.  They just love doing this and I enjoy watching them.  Maya Angelo is not allowed to join them but she goes out on her own now.  They are not fighting, as much as they did.  I am half hoping Maya will be a rooster but she is so docile, I doubt I would ever get fertilized eggs!

               FLOWERS 009 



This is the last of my peonies…I just adore this type…almost like a dinner plate.  They are gorgeous and last a long time. 

Maxwell 005 

Amelia always has such an attitude…she almost never lets me pet her, like Eleanor does.

Maxwell 007

Now this is sassitude…haven’t seen her do this with the other girls but I believe this young lady is going to surprise everyone!

 Maxwell 009

Ok, I am scared now….why doesn’t she do this with the girls? 

Maxwell 010

I just can’t stop laughing at this picture….are you talking to me? She is already bigger than they are…I am thinking we could have a Michelangelo here.  Love that bussel! 


Let’s get out of here…while the getting’ is good!


  1. Don't you just love your chickens? I love mine and I love the bloomers on your young one. She (or he) is very nice looking.
    Are you getting sun where you are? We've had it now for 4 days in a row. We are in heaven.

  2. Great pictures of your girls. The black one looks like she has an cute.

  3. Love your girls! Mine come to the gate every morning and talk to me. I sometimes tip toe out thinking I can watch them and they not notice me. Nope, they come a running and talking. Such fun and simple entertainment!

  4. We have four babies, the roo and his 3 girls, and they ALL pick on one of the girls. My son feels so bad about it. He said he's going to find a new home for her.



"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)