Monday, November 19, 2012

Some Days….


I just feel….yucky! 



Some days, I don’t know, which hat I am wearing.


Or even, which way the wind is blowing.


I just have to fly ‘by the seat of my pants’. 


Some days, I just don’t feel like it. 


I just want to dig a hole and crawl in. 


Some days, the load is very heavy and….


I don’t always see the humor!


But then, I remember my friends.  My sisters (I don’t have a real one)…my sisters in blogland.


You stand by me, always with a word….of encouragement.  I so appreciate you all!


We may not always look or feel indomitable but we are!  I know that, each time I connect to my fellow bloggers. 


  1. What fantastic photos! I know I was able to identify with your words this morning! We are so very fortunate to have such a connection with our friends and sisters via blogging! I grew up with FOUR boys!! The only girl. I longed for a sister!!! It was not to be. I cherish my female friendships!
    XO Kris

  2. What a great post this morning. I'm thinking it is in the air for my attitude stinks lately. Because of my dear friends in blogland I've picked myself up and am gaining on what Thanksgiving is all about. Being thankful for what I have.

    Thank you dear blog friend for helping me out this morning with your post and wonderful photos to go with the words.

  3. I know exactly what you mean, Karen but after looking at those photos I can thank my lucky stars for the life I have...I'm thinking simplify simplify simplify this winter ...I don't want to have anything holding me back come next summer...I am out of here in my little trailer!..

  4. Photos are awesome. I'm so thankful that I did not live during those times. Though I didn't always have the conveniences. I, too, have been in a funky mood and I thank you for this post. A good kick in the seat of the pants. Hugs. Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. No sisters here, or brothers for that matter. And living in the country as rural as we are makes for few friends...but I always know there are great friends waiting for me when I turn on the computer. My blog friends help me through the lonely days for sure!! And you,my dear, are one of the sweetest!!

  6. I hear ya!! Love your pictures Karen and the captions you added. Aren't blog friends wonderful?

  7. I have had the crud so everything gets on my nerves. I feel your pain hope you are feeling your old self soon.

  8. Karen,
    Love the old timey photos. I love a gal with a gun. I just posted a bunch of pics of girls with guns on my Pinterest. And I don't really like guns but I sure can shoot one! ;-)
    Love blog friends, too.
    xo, Cheryl

  9. Lots of thoughts and thinking going on in the post Karen! Wonderful job putting it together. The pictures are fantastic of womanhood. How blessed we are to all have each other! xox

  10. oh I so know some of those feelings.

    thanks for sharing for us all.


    hoping all is well by now. =)


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)