Friday, June 14, 2013

Floral Fridays

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My peonies are at their most beautiful state. 


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Can you believe this?


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A glorious sunset, to add to the mix!


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Mother Nature is amazing!  Look at the matching spider!


  1. Gorgeous ... I see them all through my neighborhood when I walk right ow. Wish I had some in my yard!

    1. I could dig some roots up this fall for you...

  2. Wow, that ole spider sure is cool!!

  3. Such a beautiful color. Beautiful.

  4. GOODNESS LOOK AT THAT SPIDER~! you did an outstanding job on these shots~ YOU do have tthe eye for captureing all of GOD's beauty.


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)