Monday, August 15, 2011

Chicken Mansion Addition

               sunset 002

I have been waiting patiently for weeks now, for my Chicken Mansion addition.  ‘Addition?’  you say….yes, an addition….a chicken run.  I am all for getting a job done but I have been frustrated, as most of my help can only give me a couple of hours at a time, once a week.  So, it has been many weeks now and I still don’t have a completed run.  However, my second helper was able to get the main 4x4 posts up a week ago Sunday, with my help. 

            shed 013 

Then I was able to attach the lower stringers and yesterday my helper and I were able to get several boards up around the run.  We even got started on attaching the chicken wire when the sun began to set…..

c run 008 

Bright and early Sunday morning, I got started again…notice the two ladders…it’s called, ‘the mother of invention’.  I needed to get that stringer across the top with no help.  So I balanced it on the ladders and screwed it in.  That ugly wood ladder was picked up at a local estate sale the day before, for $4.  (Cheap labor!)  I got it for a chicken roust for inside the run….looks like it has more than one use!

c run 009 


c run 010 

You might notice the big humps of dirt inside the run….yeah, it was real inconvenient getting up and down ladders and tromping around in there!  Needless to say I have had lots of experience placing ladders in my day.  ( I am a retired painting contractor.)  The dirt had been dug away from the outer edges to allow the chicken wire to be placed under the dirt around the inside edges, to keep out varmints.  Sure hope it works, as it was a lot of work….this clay soil is like concrete. 

The area to the left will be cut out and I will make a door there.

c run 011 

I’m not done, yet but I do feel a lot better today.  It feels like I just might get a chicken run after all.  My girls will have a run soon.  But not tomorrow because I am going camping again…..just one night with my daughter, Tracy and my grandson, Grayson…can’t wait I need a break from all the hammering!  See you again on Wednesday. 

P. S.  Who knew there was so much involved in “having a few chickens”.  lol




  1. Good Job. Hurry up and get 'er done so we can do something fun together!

  2. Camping trumps chores anytime.
    Camping with grandkids = fun times!

    Have a great time, take care.

  3. WOW, those girls will have a ball in that run. YOU sure know what you are doing. I need a portable one for my parrots instead of hauling out the cage all the time. I am looking at your floor plans carefully.

    Have a fun trip and be safe.

  4. I hope your 3 girls appreciate all your hard and creative work by gifting you with a lot of fresh eggs...

    Enjoy your time with family!

  5. I keep thinking I'd like the chicken mansion as a sewing room!!! I am a redneck... LOLOL

    I love it that you're building 'em a home they can be proud of.

    ;-D robelyn

  6. Looks like a classy house for classy chickens and a fabulous run. Thanks for sharing.

  7. You are one hard working woman!
    I'm sure your "ladies" will be so... happy to run around in there.

  8. Oh how your girls are going to run around in their new space! Soon they will be able to enjoy that sunshine. Very inventive with the ladders. Give a woman a job and she'll get er done; no matter what it takes. Have fun camping!

  9. It's looking great Karen! You continue to amaze me! :)


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)