Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Trip to Wenatchee

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I got to spend some time in Wenatchee, WA. this last weekend and there were almost 40 Sisters on the Fly, with the same idea. 

This is the same exact trailer as mine, same year, 1969, Shasta 1400.


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Can you believe how gorgeous this is?


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Here’s my kitchen.  Isn’t it amazing how different they can be decorated?


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Creativity abounds! 


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I’ll be back to share more camping pictures with you soon.  And this weekend a few friends are bringing their trailers here for the weekend….so even more pictures next week.



  1. Fun, fun, fun! My favorite posts!!!! Can't wait for more!
    xo Kris

  2. Beautiful trailers. Everyone so different.

  3. "I took to makin trouble....." hahahahahahahahahaha.............love that one!!
    and "she's no lady"!!!!! so funny!!!!!
    Just love it when you do these weekends and come back to show us the trailers. I always imagine which one would be mine.....if only I could back up a trailer!!!!! hahahahahaha
    More Pics Please!!!


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)