Sunday, October 24, 2010

Look what I got!


I haven’t bought an antique piece of furniture, in a lot of years.  It sure feels good!  I am calling this my hutch, as it is now in the dining room.  It holds my linens, candle holders and believe it or not, my recycling!  I put my plastics, glass, etc. in the metal bins, below.  I am short on storage, in this house, as big as it is.

hutch 004 (768x1024)  

hutch 005 (710x1024)

hutch 006 (1024x760) I got that fork thing at the Farm Chick’s show, this summer.  I was going to use it for a hook on the back porch but it looks like it should hold something.  Pictures won’t work, I don’t think.  Hummmmm.

hutch 007 (768x1024) 

I crafted the bottle this last week.  Any guesses, on who that guy is on the bottle.  Opps, I think I just gave it away!  Sharon got it right away….not sure how she knew that!  : )

hutch 008 (768x1024)


  1. You certainly have an eye for design and creativity in items....just love how you have it displayed.

  2. I really like this posting especially the part making me look way smarter than I am. Great pictures friend!

  3. Sweet find! I'm trying to figure out how you have that old wringer on the top of that box.
    I have one (not that old and cool)and would like to figure out how to display it inside the store in the kitchen areas. right now it is sitting in a bin outside. I have galvanized tins but no room in the store for it.

    Got your email and will be at store tomorrow and get it all together. =)

    barbara jean

  4. I love your beautiful hutch and how you've displayed your antiques....I'd love to cruise through your home and look around.... so many interesting pieces you have!

  5. That old wringer is leaning (just a bit) on that grinder in front. I have mostly displayed it on the floor but decided to get it up where I could see it! I actually used one of these when I first got married (1965)....that's how old I am!
    Here we go again, my own blog doesn't recognize me! kpaints!

  6. What an awesome fine. Love the way you have it displayed. And I too had one of those Grinders, 1964 wedding shower gift. Yes it dates me too but hey if not that then something or someone else would LOL.

  7. I love the new piece. I've often drooled over similar ones. Love how you display your antiques. I could use the old wringer washer for the tub I was given a while back. That's the only part missing.

  8. I want go shopping with you!!
    what a beautiful finds!!
    old furniture is the best!


"Life is a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

So throw some paint at me!! Thanks and come back soon! :)